The examples are from a "real-life" "Après Ski" themed Fondue Cocktail Party we recently did for a neighbor. She has kindly agreed to let us share all of the details and photos here, to give you a sneak peak into what you get when you work with The Boastful Host.
But first, before we jump into the details, we want you to know that our mission is to offer a service to those that have the desire to throw personal, creative, well executed parties, but just don't have the time, energy, or the skills necessary to pull all the details together. Does this sound like you? Keep reading!
Step 1: Contact us!
Step 2: Initial meeting
Step 3: Party Design Proposal
Step 4: Receiving your party design
A "typical" party that we plan, will include handmade and curated decorations with instructions and any supplies needed to display, a menu plan that will coincide with your chosen method - home-cooked or catered, and extra details if applicable (information about band, DJ, kids' entertainment, etc).
The example Party Design below will give you an idea for what you can expect to receive. This was a fairly simple party, and the host wanted to be hands-on with the cooking. The shopping list is included, but per her request, we arranged for grocery pick up for her (and came in well under budget!). Each party is unique and we look forward to creative challenges!
Step 5: Using the Party Design to put it all together
Final Step: Party like a Boastful Host!
The "Après Ski" themed Fondue Cocktail Party was a huge success and the ladies enjoyed sipping cocktails and noshing on lots of cheese and chocolate while snuggled under cozy blankets.
Enjoy clicking through the slideshow below to see how the party turned out!
Please let us know what you think! What are your thoughts about the process? Seem easy to follow? We thrive on feedback and would love to hear yours!